PRESS RELEASE: Civic Hive partners with Talemia to launch Founders Chat

Thousands of startups are launched every year in Africa. Early stage founders
have a whole lot of things to juggle through as they build out their solutions.
We don’t yet have a functional ecosystem designed for African founders
building incredible solutions at early stages. One huge gap here is that we are
not telling our stories well enough.

Talemia is an edtech solution designed to support early stage African
founders launch profitable companies faster than they can on their own by
taking them from 0 to 1. Civic Hive , an innovative centre of BudgIT, has been
supporting change-makers and innovative ideas by giving startup founders
the edge they need to build and launch civic companies. Both platforms
shared similar interests and their solutions were complimentary.

Victor Onyekere who is the founder at Talemia reached out to the Civic Hive
team to discuss the possibility of partnership to launch Founders Chat . Both
teams were excited to get started. The partnership between the two
companies will drive collaboration and co-creation among African founders
within the early stage startup ecosystem.

Founders Chat is a bi-monthly physical round-up conversation designed to
support early stage African founders to ramp up on growth via leveraging on
the growth stories of other early stage African founders.

How it works
Founders Chat is a physical event and registration is required
1. Register on the site
2. Wait for your application to be vetted and approved
3. Get your unique invite code
4. Confirm Attendance

With the intense and practical conversations driven on Founders Chat, there
will be higher chances of transitioning bright ideas and products into scalable
companies there increasing Africa’s economic value

Founders Chat[FC] is an In-person event with very limited seating capacity.
We’re now giving out invites! To get an invite, apply HERE

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