Six Groundbreaking Civic-Tech Initiatives Emerge at The Civic Tech Regional Hackathon in Lagos.

Lagos played host to one of the most inspiring events in the Civic Hive Civic Tech Fellowship journey: the Southwest regional hackathon. We are excited to announce that six brilliant innovators have emerged from the hackathon, securing their spots in the fellowship’s incubation phase.


The Civic Hive Civic Tech Fellowship is committed to nurturing civic-tech leaders who leverage technology to solve pressing societal issues. This year, we expanded our programmatic approach by hosting regional hackathons to support grassroots initiatives across Nigeria. The Lagos event proved to be a spot of invention, innovation, and impact. Let’s meet the top participants who have secured a spot in the fellowship. 

  1. Learn Politics 

In a country where a lack of political education can hamper civic participation, Learn Politics is an initiative on a mission to bridge this gap. By providing comprehensive political education and fostering an engaged citizenry, they empower people to take active roles in governance. Their tech-driven platform ensures that every Nigerian, regardless of location, can access quality political education and tools that enhance civic participation. 

  1. Justice Tender 

Justice should be a right, not a privilege. Justice Tender is a platform that makes justice inclusive and accessible through human rights intervention, advocacy, legal aid, and case tracking. Justice Tender aims to eliminate barriers to justice for underserved communities, leveraging technology to transform how legal services are delivered.

  1. FixmyroadNG 

Bad roads are a significant issue in Nigeria, affecting the economy and citizens’ daily lives. FixmyroadNG aims to address this by creating an online platform where citizens can report bad roads with just a few clicks. Users can take pictures of bad roads in their area and upload them to the platform in less than five minutes. With government collaboration, FixmyroadNG aims to fast-track road repairs and improve the nation’s infrastructure.


  1. Foodimetric

Access to accurate nutrition information is critical for health, yet many Nigerians still need more reliable tools for nutritional assessment. Foodimetric seeks to change that by providing innovative, tech-driven solutions. Their platform offers educational resources and accurate nutrition assessments, filling a critical gap in health awareness and management across Nigeria. By empowering people with the right tools, Foodimetric is helping to build a healthier, more informed society.

  1. Restorative Justice for Africa

There are major justice gaps across Africa, but Restorative Justice for Africa is working to close them. They focus on restorative justice approaches, tech-enabled data management, legal aid, and reintegration support. This team’s work is essential in ensuring that justice is restorative, offering a second chance to those involved and closing gaps in the current justice system.

  1. Lawyers NowNow 

For many victims of human rights violations, the legal system can be a complex and intimidating maze. Lawyers NowNow is changing the narrative by connecting victims with pro bono lawyers through a digital app. The platform is a lifesaver for individuals who are trapped in the justice system, offering quick access to legal aid, especially for marginalized communities. By connecting victims to pro bono lawyers, Lawyers NowNow is facilitating timely legal intervention for those in need.


The Incubation Phase  

With the regional hackathon complete, the six fellows will now enter a three-month incubation period with shortlisted fellows from other regional hackathons in Kano, Port Harcourt, and Abuja. For the next three months, they will all receive mentorship, resources, and tools to help them refine, grow, and scale their ideas. During this time, they will also work on developing minimum viable products (MVPs) to bring their concepts to reality.

The Lagos regional hackathon has been an exciting glimpse into the future of civic tech in Nigeria and Africa at large. Civic Hive is proud to support these civic tech leaders on their journey to making a lasting societal impact.


Stay tuned as we follow the progress of the new civic tech fellow and witness the transformative influence of technology in civic spaces!

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