We are a civic-tech organisation that works to empower citizens and communities enabling accountability & participation.


Year of Fellowship

Daisi Omokungbe


Civic Hive Fellowship is an opportunity to learn, shape my idea and build networks of supports for our project. So far, it's reshaping my idea and that's transformational.

Daisi Omokungbe
About Grassroots Advocacy Project

GRAP is a civic tech solution aimed at creating opportunities for Nigerians to put their communities in our annual National NEEDs Assessment Report to ensure budgetary allocations are made to execute projects that meet citizens' needs. Grassroots Advocacy Project (GRAP) is a digital rural and urban participatory and community mobilization project investigating, assessing and documenting the NEEDS of Nigerian communities

About Daisi Omokungbe

Project Management, Nonprofit, IT & Media, Nation-building.