Celebrating Democracy and the Power of Civic Engagement: 5 Key Insights by Oluseun Onigbinde

On June 12th, 2024, Democracy Day took on a special significance as our global director, Oluseun Onigbinde, was one of the guest speakers at The Platform’s special edition titled “Democracy And The Free Market Economy”.

In his speech titled “How We Should Think About Democracy – The Trinity of The Market System,” Oluseun shared insights that resonated and reinforced our mission at Civic Hive and the work we do by making governance work for the people and raising a new breed of active citizens.

We are adulting as a democracy at 25, let’s step into our roles and responsibilities.

ImageBelow are 5 key Insights from Oluseun Onigbinde’s Speech

  1. What a Nation Makes Is What Makes the Nation

Oluseun’s remarks highlighted the critical interplay between a nation’s productive capacity and its overall strength. He emphasised that the market system thrives on the principle that a nation’s economic output is a testament to its ingenuity, resourcefulness, and collective effort. He stressed that by fostering an environment where innovation can flourish, we lay the groundwork for a prosperous nation.

Expanding on this concept, Oluseun explained that productive capabilities encompass not only the tangible resources and infrastructure of a country but also the intangible assets such as creativity, adaptability, and the ability to think critically. He stressed that a nation’s true wealth lies in its human capital and its capacity for innovation. In today’s rapidly evolving global economy, it is the ability to adapt, innovate, and create new solutions that will determine a nation’s competitiveness.

  1. Strengthening Local Governance

A critical point raised was the inherent weakness in Nigeria’s democracy stemming from fragile local government areas (LGAs). Our global director argued that for democracy to be truly robust, it must be strong at the grassroots. Empowering LGAs ensures that democracy is not just a top-down approach but a system that engages and benefits every citizen, no matter where they are.

The LGAs serve as the foundation upon which a nation’s democratic structure is built. They are the closest level of government to the people, directly impacting their daily lives. When LGAs are weak and ineffective, it creates a disconnect between the government and the governed, undermining the principles of democracy. Fragile LGAs often lack the resources, capacity, and autonomy to address local challenges effectively. This can lead to a sense of disenfranchisement and apathy among citizens, eroding their trust in the democratic process.

  1. Active Participation: The Heart of Democracy

“Democracy would not work if we don’t get involved and participate,” Oluseun asserted. This call to action is a reminder that democracy is not a spectator sport. It requires active engagement from every citizen. Voting, participating in town halls, and being involved in community initiatives are all crucial components of a functioning democracy.

Democracy will not work until we participate in it. Democracy will not be effective until we are involved in it.

  1. Building Ideal Active Citizens

The journey to a mature democracy is paved with the efforts of well-informed, proactive citizens. He stressed the need for educational and civic initiatives that nurture a sense of responsibility and awareness among citizens. 

Additionally, he called for the cultivation of a new generation of citizens who are ready to engage, question, and challenge the status quo regarding public resources. 

  1. Leveraging Civic Tech Tools

In today’s digital age, technology offers powerful tools for civic engagement. Oluseun highlighted the importance of utilizing Civic Tech platforms to amplify citizen voices and enhance transparency, and institutional accountability. Platforms such as GovSpend, PHC Tracka, Open State, Tracka Mobile App, have already shown how technology can bridge the gap between the government and the governed.


” As Nigeria marks 25 years of democratic governance, it’s time for each of us to embrace our roles in nurturing and sustaining our democracy”

As we reflect on Oluseun Onigbinde’s inspiring thoughts, let’s take actionable steps to participate and strengthen our democracy from the ground up. The future of Nigeria depends on the active participation of each one of us. Let’s step up and lead the way.

At Civic Hive, we are committed to building the capacity of young people, raising civic tech solutions that solve social issues and make governance work for the people.

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