Code for Impact: Transforming Northern Nigeria Through the Citizen-led Innovations

Northern Nigeria faces unique social, economic, and environmental challenges, ranging from limited access to quality education, healthcare, and justice gaps and the impacts of climate change. However, civic innovation can proffer progressive and sustainable solutions to these pressing issues. 

In recent times, CivicTech has become a beacon of hope for driving positive change in developing democracies. From Mobile apps that monitor government projects such as the Tracka 2.0 App to platforms that amplify citizens’ voices (Enough is Enough Nigeria,, civic tech solutions are providing innovative tools to bridge the gap between the government and the people. 


With our investment in young people and the development of civic tech, we are committed to spotlighting and nurturing youth-led innovation in Nigeria. Building on this, we hosted the 2024 Civic Tech Regional Hackathon on the 9th of September, 2024. 

The hackathon brought together aspiring and emerging innovators addressing pressing social issues through technology in Northern Nigeria. With applicants from several states including Kano, Katsina, Kaduna, Bauchi, Jigawa, and Yobe.  

The Selection Committee sieved through over 500 applicants from the northern region of Nigeria (197 from North Central, 162 from North East, and 253 from North West) to 17 participants who pitched their solutions to the distinguished panel of Judges. It is also notable to note that the Kano Regional Hackathon would not have been possible without the support and partnership of Startup Kano, a creative enterprise that enables entrepreneurs to grow ideas, scale their impact, and build meaningful communities.

The regional hackathon centered on three major thematic areas which are:

  • Artificial intelligence for good;
  • Climate Tech Solution and advocacy;
  • Tech for Justice, education, and healthcare.

Each participant in the regional hackathon was assessed based on their problem statement, feasibility, projected  Impact, and scalability. The Highlight of the event was the innovative solutions proposed by the participants. Here are four solutions that made it through the hackathon stage and into the fellowship.  

  • CleanUp Initiative – Kaduna – The CleanUp Initiative aims to address the pervasive issue of plastic waste pollution in landfills and rivers. This project seeks to mitigate environmental harm by converting plastic waste into high-quality interlocking tiles and building blocks, thus providing a sustainable solution for plastic waste management and promoting eco-friendly construction materials. The initiative also aims to raise awareness about the importance of recycling and environmental preservation. 
  • Disability Dignity – Kano – This Civic Tech solution focuses on solving the problem of Stigma and discrimination against persons with disabilities. This includes challenging negative attitudes, stereotypes, and biases that lead to social exclusion, marginalization, and unequal treatment of people with disabilities. By addressing stigma and discrimination, Disability Dignity aims to promote a culture of acceptance, inclusion, and respect for the dignity and human rights of people with disabilities.
  • Amplify Youth Initiative – Kaduna –  The Amplify Youth Initiative is a woman-led organization that aims to address the critical issue of justice reform in Nigeria. This initiative seeks to leverage technology to bridge these gaps and promote a more equitable and efficient justice system. By developing tech-enabled solutions, we aim to streamline legal processes, enhance transparency, and ensure that justice is accessible to all, regardless of socio-economic status. With a focus on creating platforms that can provide legal information, facilitate legal aid, and improve the overall efficiency of the justice system. 
  • MedSavr – Kaduna – This Civic tech solution addresses the systematic problems crucial for improving health outcomes. Their solution is to provide an innovative digital healthcare platform designed to streamline and enhance the accessibility, affordability, and efficiency of medical services across Africa. MedSavr leverages telemedicine, electronic health records (EHRs), and an integrated network of healthcare providers, insurers, and pharmacies. 



The Civic Tech Regional Hackathon in Kano was a resounding success, not only in terms of the innovative solutions it produced but also in fostering a culture of civic responsibility and technological innovation among young people in Northern Nigeria. 

Some Key takeaways from the hackathon;

  • The Judges made a clear notion that a civic tech solution need not be so ambiguous because it is tech-infused. The most important thing is to cater to the problems of the people.  
  • “Technology is an enabler, not the solution”. Our Head of Operations, Temidayo Musa, stressed how innovators should invest time in understanding social issues before rushing to build a tech solution.
  • “Our problems are local, our solution should be community-led”,  Temidayo further explains how solutions to local problems are more likely to be sustainable if solutions are community-driven. 

As the civic tech ecosystem continues to grow, it is events like these that inspire the next generation of innovators to create solutions that transform governance and empower citizens across Nigeria. It is without doubt that by leveraging technology, young people are paving the way for a more transparent and inclusive system in the region. 

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